Hi, I’m Robin Roelofsen, and I’m from the Netherlands. You know… small country in Europe, mostly closed in by the UK, Germany, Belgium, and Luxemburg.
I am a web designer, running Robin Roelofsen Webdesign, my own one-man web design agency (yes, in the Netherlands, webdesign is one word.)
I’m very happily married to Jolanda, have a grand total of four kids, love to work out at the gym four times a week (though at the moment I’m sitting at home with a tendon that tore loose from my left middle finger’s knuckle), and am an avid reader.
There are a number of reasons I wanted to have this blog separate from my agency site:
First of all, I needed a place to gather problems and solutions I encountered during my web design work, so I can get back to these solutions when I bump into a similar issue.
The types of posts I am planning to post on this blog are more technical in nature, aimed towards other designers and developers, hopefully helping them out when they encounter similar problems. My agency site, on the other hand, caters to an audience that is less technical in nature, and I don’t want to scare those people – my potential clients, after all – away when I write about CSS, HTML, and the like.
Lastly, I needed a place to keep practising writing in English! I used to work for international companies, where the company language was English, but since working from home, I hardly write in English anymore, and I want to keep up my ‘fluency’.
You may wonder: when my profession is in web design, why is this site so minimalist in its design? Well… I wanted to have place where I don’t feel the need to keep updating the design continuously. A place where the focus is on the content, not the design. I hope I managed to achieve that goal. Will it change in the future? No idea, but I’m not in a hurry.
Hope you enjoy the content. Reach out to me if you have questions or remarks (or project offers 馃槑 )
Robin Roelofsen